Friday, February 27, 2009

Constantly Elsewhere

The nowhereness, the nothingness, the absence of you
Is in those your words unspoken,
In what your eyes haven't broken
In the straightest stream of sunlight upon a syllable askew.

The almostness of youness, this nearlessness thing
Upturns in garden rows, unpoetried,
Hangs by a nail in spaces, ungalleried
Like notes that dangle from the lips of a man who yet intends to sing

This gap-ness, this would-have-been happiness, the nothereness you are
Lies, dies, in the dust of unreadness of my book,
Cries with the notness that knowing, with just one look,
Like stories still unborning, in realms still a-churning, in worlds still afar.

The unbeing and unseeing and undoing of wherever you are there,
Is the diziness,
the everydayness of business,
Of your constantly, so constantly, being elsewhere.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nowness of nothingness,
Nothingness of the silence,
Silence of the nowhereness,
Nowhereness of the anybodyness,

elsewhereness of everybodyness,
The gaps with their fullness,

where to measure and which to treasure,

Better be,me, constantly elsewhere.