Thursday, February 19, 2009

Tell Me a Story (he said)...

Once there was a rainbow and she was tired of being so many colours and by being whisked around by the rain and buffeted by the clouds so much and poked and prodded by the bounty hunters. So she went away and sulked and sulked. And it poured and she didnt come out. And the birds sang and she didnt come out. And the world spun like everything was okay, but something, something was missing....
You see rainbow didn't want to be ordinary, a mongrel, anymore. She wanted to be - well somebody! "Maybe she could pick a colour to be?" (the helpful west wind suggested). Mongrel rainbow picked red. She went very very red, and wanted all the cherries to bow to her. But then she washed out completely when the sun went down, and the sky looked like it was tearing in two! And her friends the trees stopped standing on their tippy toes to melt into her greenness, and she longed for molten gold to glisten through her yellowness, and drip into the pot at the end of it.
And while she went from red to blue to indigo, and tried every new colour in front of the mirror, and twirled to see how gorgeous she looked, somewhere, someone she knew began to forget her.
.... one day, as she sat a wierd shade of purpley blue, not likingher new look at all (it made her eyes look sunk in her mother complained), raindrop came calling. Could she, please, consider, returning to a diffused state of whiteness? You see, people, birds, insects, couldn't quite see the raindrop anymore, and cursed him so, for catching them unawares.
And rainbow looked up at him and knew, that somewhere we fall in love with only those parts of people that are the colour that we are ourselves. And to have the colours of the whole world within you, you must needs be a mongrel, with no home, and at the beck and call, and push and prod, of people who look up to see, yes they belong too, to a part of the whole of this mad whirl of colours across the world. And rainbow took raindrop's hand, and became, oh so ordinar, just-diffused-whiteness again.
The end.

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